Macau Pataca(MOP) To Korean Won(KRW)

Macau Pataca(MOP) To Korean Won(KRW) Exchange Rates History

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Macau Pataca(MOP) To Korean Won(KRW) Exchange Rate History

This page shows the historical data for Macau Pataca(MOP) To Korean Won(KRW) From Saturday 09/11/2024 To Sunday 01/12/2024. With the history chart of this currency pairs you can review market history and analyze rate trends. Would you like to invert the currencies pairs? Please visit Korean Won(KRW) To Macau Pataca(MOP)

Macau Pataca(MOP) To Korean Won(KRW) History Graph

History Exchange Rate

DateMacau PatacaKorean Won
Sunday 01/12/2024 1 MOP = 174.38789 KRW
Saturday 30/11/2024 1 MOP = 174.38789 KRW
Friday 29/11/2024 1 MOP = 173.95119 KRW
Thursday 28/11/2024 1 MOP = 173.96194 KRW
Wednesday 27/11/2024 1 MOP = 173.61259 KRW
Tuesday 26/11/2024 1 MOP = 174.70339 KRW
Monday 25/11/2024 1 MOP = 174.54926 KRW
Sunday 24/11/2024 1 MOP = 175.2211 KRW
Saturday 23/11/2024 1 MOP = 175.22115 KRW
Friday 22/11/2024 1 MOP = 175.04206 KRW
Thursday 21/11/2024 1 MOP = 174.87763 KRW
Wednesday 20/11/2024 1 MOP = 174.43293 KRW
Tuesday 19/11/2024 1 MOP = 173.78121 KRW
Monday 18/11/2024 1 MOP = 174.23825 KRW
Sunday 17/11/2024 1 MOP = 173.56278 KRW
Saturday 16/11/2024 1 MOP = 173.56278 KRW
Friday 15/11/2024 1 MOP = 173.96931 KRW
Thursday 14/11/2024 1 MOP = 175.12285 KRW
Wednesday 13/11/2024 1 MOP = 175.14302 KRW
Tuesday 12/11/2024 1 MOP = 175.67191 KRW
Monday 11/11/2024 1 MOP = 174.99841 KRW
Sunday 10/11/2024 1 MOP = 173.64839 KRW

Popular Macau Pataca(MOP) Pairing

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